Me as a Leader - Identifying Personal Strengths and Weaknesses to my Leadership Style (Advanced) Workshop - Monday, October 19th, 2020
Date: Monday, October 19th, 2020 from 3pm-5pm (2 hours)
This eye-opening workshop provides seasoned leaders and those new to managing people and teams, the opportunity to examine what their personal strengths and weaknesses are in relation to interpersonal skills, inspiring others, developing respect and loyalty and fostering innovation and growth. Utilizing some of the world’s great leaders to showcase the values and skills they demonstrate that make them world leaders and sought-after mentors. Participants will engage in well thought out self-assessments that help them to be introspective and identify areas of strength as well as areas that they can improve on. Participants leave with a SMART action plan, including timelines and steps, as to when and how to execute identified areas for improvements.
In addition, participants are provided an introduction to the fundamentals and techniques of coaching. Coaching is a wonderful tool that leaders can use to try to adjust or alter poor behavior in their direct reports or to encourage, inspire and drive employees. Coaching, unlike performance review or punitive action, is self-directed, future focused and results oriented.
Prerequisite(s): None.
Why should I attend this course?
Leaders today face increased pressure and competition to have technical expertise, leadership skills, be able to inspire, have superior communication skills and be able to read the pulse of the workplace landscape. This workshop trains leaders and prospective leaders skills necessary to be viewed as a top tier leader while giving them the time and opportunity to identify areas that they need to improve on in order to take their teams, career and organization to the next level.
Topics include:
- understanding what being introspective means
- understanding what strengths and weaknesses are on a professional and personal level
- an examination of the attributes and evolution of top domestic and foreign leaders
- an introduction to coaching fundamentals
- how coaching can be implemented by leaders to improve performance and employee/management relations
- coaching techniques 101
- the “360 Review” exercise
- S.M.A.R.T. goal introduction
- goal setting map creation